We offer Speech and Physical Therapy services for children and adults with a variety of developmental, neurological, and genetic diagnoses including:
Cerebral Palsy
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Down Syndrome
Rett Syndrome
Angelman Syndrome
Spinal Muscluar Athrophy (SMA)
Language Delay / Early Intervention
Our services are available to be provided at our clinic site, in the home, or school. Teletherapy services can be provided throughout California.
Click HERE for Physical Therapy service descriptions.
Our Speech Therapy services address language delay, receptive and expressive language disorders, and articulation & motor speech disorders. We incorporate the Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning (LAMP) therapy approach, PROMPT therapy, and DIR®/Floortime® principles.
Specialized AAC service options are listed below.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) evaluations
AAC evaluations are completed over several sessions. They include trying several different communication devices, exploring different ways of accessing a device when appropriate (e.g. eye tracking, switch scanning, use of keyguards), and determining the best wheelchair mounting equipment when applicable.
Our AAC evaluations can be completed for the purpose of Individual Educational Evaluation (IEE), insurance/MediCal/Medicare funding, or private funding.
Did you know that most private insurance companies, Tricare, MediCal, Medicare, and a program in California called the “Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program” will often cover the full cost of an AAC device AND all recommended accessories? We have extensive experience completing the paperwork required for this type of funding, and will help you navigate what route makes the most sense to get our clients the equipment they need.
AAC-focused individual speech therapy sessions
Therapy sessions can incorporate AAC systems that are already in place, or are used as a way to develop new language and communication skills and identify the most optimal way to access communication. All therapy sessions are developed around whatever activities are the most personally motivating and engaging for each of our clients.
AAC consultations / training
AAC consultation may include the following:
Meeting with the school team, ABA, or other providers to give guidance and training on how to incorporate the use of the AAC device in a given setting.
Providing guidance on potential modifications to a current AAC system or access method.
Ongoing on-site training of support staff within the classroom
Assistive technology setup or training
Setup and training of computer integration with an AAC device
Setup and training environmental control systems such as incorporating smart home technology with an AAC device
Setup of software and systems to maximize use of an AAC device to access the school curriculum
Wheelchair mounting
Professional development on various topics related to AAC
We will work with you to develop a training tailored to meet the needs of your team. Possible topics and content may include the following:
Incorporating AAC into the classroom
Alternative Access Methods assessment and implementation
AAC implementation in the home
Understanding the AAC funding / evaluation process